Empowering Compliance in the Digital Asset Revolution

Bridging the gap between traditional finance and the digital asset world, our innovative regulatory solution provides robust consumer protection, streamlined taxation, and effective law enforcement. Stay ahead in the rapidly evolving crypto-economy with our future-proof, adaptable, and compliant platform.

The Digital Asset Regulation Solution

Walid.finance is an innovative regulatory layer designed to address the unique challenges posed by Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and cryptocurrencies in today's fast-paced digital economy.

Safeguard citizens from scams involving NFTs, fungible tokens, and cryptocurrencies.

Simplify taxation through economic gateways and fiat "edge accounts", enabling automatic calculation of fiscal obligations and easing the burden on the tax authorities.

Facilitate effective oversight, automatically curb gray transactions, and equip the law enforcement agencies with sophisticated tools for asset immobilization and the implementation of sanctions.

Walid.finance's regulatory layer is fully compatible with any digital asset and operates independently of the underlying DLTs. Our technology is agnostic to specific implementations, ensuring adaptability to both existing and future digital asset advancements. Walid.finance is a future-proof solution that keeps pace with the ever-evolving world of digital assets, while maintaining the highest standards of regulatory compliance.

Our platform can be effortlessly employed alongside any existing blockchain solution, without mandating immediate alterations. This staged integration commences with the incorporation into payment gateways and subsequently proceeds with a methodical rollout in end-user applications, guaranteeing a streamlined and effective transition. The enforcement process can be implemented progressively, affording participants ample opportunity to acclimate and achieve compliance.

A Simplified Guide in 7 Easy Steps

Walid.finance is a regulatory layer that bridges the gap between traditional finance and cryptocurrencies, ensuring transparency, traceability, and compliance in the digital asset world. It focuses on the "edge" of the crypto-space, where digital assets interact with the traditional financial system.

Think of Walid.finance as a virtual customs office that monitors and regulates the flow of value between the digital asset world and traditional finance.

Economic Agents (EAs)


EAs begin by registering on the Walid.finance platform. They complete a Know Your Customer (KYC) process or use a national electronic ID. Once registered, they can access the platform via a web interface or an API.

Imagine this as issuing a passport for EAs to enter the digital asset world.

Wallets and Whitelisting

Linking Wallets

After signing up, Economic Agents (EAs) can connect their existing wallets to the platform.


Balances in these wallets can be approved and "whitelisted" through a process involving the tax authorities (e.g., declaring digital assets on tax forms). Additionally, whitelisting occurs at the "edge" of the crypto-space when an incoming fiat transaction is recorded through a gateway (explained further down). The digital asset countervalue is then whitelisted, acting as a vessel for the transferred value.

Picture wallets as bank accounts, and whitelisting as marking these accounts as approved and transparent, both through tax authorities and at the gateways bridging the digital and traditional financial systems.


Voluntary Registration

EAs can voluntarily register digital asset transactions. The platform ensures that transactions are within the limits of their whitelisted balance.


Walid.finance maintains a "shadow copy" of all transactions involving whitelisted balances, allowing for traceability and oversight.

Visualize this as a ledger that records approved transactions, ensuring compliance and transparency.

Fiat Gateways and Edge Accounts

Edge Accounts

Each EA has a virtual "edge account" to track incoming and outgoing fiat transactions via fiat gateways (e.g., currency exchanges).

Gateway Requirements

Gateways are obligated to register all fiat transactions in the user's edge account, specifying the digital asset countervalue involved. Converting a digital asset to fiat deducts the whitelisted balance from the EA's wallet. If the EA does not have enough whitelisted balance, the fiat transaction is not possible. Converting fiat to a digital asset is a reversed process: the digital asset countervalue is credited to the EA's wallet.

Envision edge accounts as bridges between the traditional financial system and the digital asset world, while gateways act as checkpoints to ensure a secure and transparent flow of value.


Efficient AML

Simplifies Anti-Money Laundering (AML) by focusing on the "edge" of the crypto-space, where digital assets interact with the traditional financial system.

Streamlined Law Enforcement

Facilitates the enforcement of sanctions and the control of specific transaction volumes or types.

Simplified Taxation

Authorities only need to monitor fiat transactions at the edge of the crypto-space, making taxation more straightforward.

Robust Consumer Protection

By tracking and verifying transactions, EAs, and asset creators, Walid.finance offers a solid foundation for consumer protection and fraud prevention.

Enhanced Token Security

Token theft is ineffective as stolen tokens lack the necessary whitelisted balance required for fiat conversion. Our whitelisting process creates a two-step verification for enhanced transaction security.

Let's talk!

Discover the future of digital asset regulation with Walid.finance. We invite regulators and stakeholders to connect with us for an in-depth understanding of our comprehensive platform, tailored to address the unique challenges in the crypto-economy. Don't miss the opportunity to be at the forefront of regulatory innovation – contact us today to learn more about our cutting-edge solution.